Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ko Si Chang

View from my room/guesthouse! I fell in love with this island the moment I saw this spectacular view!
Ko Si Chang! Quaint, little, untouristed island! I LOVED this place! something about it... one of those places you just get a good feeling from.
My room... it was in a CAVE! so cute! and the bed looked right out a huge window to this view!!!
I got off the ferry and was going to just walk around and find a place to stay... I turn to a lady outside the 7-11 and ask where a guesthouse in the Lonely Planet was... thought it'd be a good place to start.  She runs in to the 7-11 grabs a map for me, starts to point out on a map then goes "wait 1 min" calls her two young children over, puts them in front of her on her scooter and tells me to get on the back!

My first family scooter ride (not including our's dad...)! She brings me straight to the guesthouse and tells her kids to say bye to me in English before driving away!
I saw the view and knew I had to stay!

After settling in to my cave room, and climbing down the cliff to the water (there were stairs) there was a torrential downpour! I was about to walk into town for dinner but decided to wait 1/2h, read my book look at the view and wait for the rain to stop.  As normal in Thailand the rain stopped after about 30min so I was safe to make the walk into town.

The Lonely Planet boasted about some place that was "arguably the best food on the island" AND had homemade icecream! so I decided I would roam around and hope to find this place.  I had no clue where it was so just started walking... I after walking for a little while I decided to ask someone at a store if they knew where it was.  The lady goes "Oh Yes! One minute!"  She runs inside, grabs her keys, jumps on her scooter and tells me to get on!  She drives me straight to the place! My second local ride on this island!  And they drive away before I even have a chance to try to offer them any money or anything at all! 
The food was worth it! and the icecream, arguably the best icecream I have ever had in my life! 
The next morning I woke up early to roam the island.  Even at 8:45am it was sweltering hot! I was dripping with sweat 15min into my walk!.  

One of the King's used to have his summer palace on Ko Si Chang.  This is where I started my tour of the island.  The palace was really just a summer home hosting a number of round cottages. 
The beach in front of the Palace. 
Pagoda on the hill. 
I would like to say I was doing this pose intentionally but really it was a little slippery. 
I then continued my walk from one end of the island to the other.  I came across this viewpoint with a boardwalk at the edge of a cliff.

At the top of a hill is Bhudda's Footprint... turns out this hill was a big hill that I climbed up in the scorching heat! There was a beautiful view but WOW it was hot out!  It was my workout for the day! 
Bhudda's Footprint
Below Bhudda's footprint are Chinese shrines in caves.  All along the walk down the hill were the shrines. 

Then I had lunch again at the same place I went for dinner.  An amazing burger! My first since I had been in Asia! I'm a little deprived of western food!  At the resuturant I started talking to a lady who I think might be one of the owners.  She spoke fluent french so I actually talked to her in french as her english wasnt quite as good.  After my lunch she insisted that one of the servers drive me straight to the ferry! So I had yet another local scooter ride on the island! 

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