Monday, April 4, 2011

Fastest turn around EVER

So after an amazing holiday we were supposed to fly out of Bhutan to Bangkok, spend one night in Bangkok before leaving for the south.... well we arrived in the Paro airport bright and early... waited for 6 hours only to find out our flight was cancelled due to high winds!  This would have been ok except we were supposed to catch a flight at 10am the next morning for Phuket!
us at our new hotel!
They put us up in one of the nicest hotels in Paro! this was a definite bonus! and we told we would fly out the next morning... not in time for our flight but still in time to catch a flight to the south! but would we have time to head back to Evergreen (the hotel I live in) to grab all our beach weather clothes???!!!
little lakes around the hotel 
We went for a walk to a little town just down the road from our hotel! It was really cute, we were the only westerners there!
Painting the very intricate designs on the houses. 
little market we found in the town  
Prayer wheel! 
a real old-fasioned scale! I was so amazed! 
Well we arrived in the BKK airport and while my dad was organising the flights my mum and I SPRINTED back to Evergreen! We made a 15min turn around at the apartment! Dont think I've ever packed so quickly before in my life! and I've had some pretty quick packing jobs!
Yay! Finally our flight is ready to take off!
we had a stop over in India! So I got to have a glimce of india!!!
I also snuck off the plane to take a step on Indian land!
We SPRINTED back to the airport to make in just in time for our flight! Literally walked right up to the gate as it started to board!

We were very very lucky! but we made it to the south!

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