Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dive Trip - Simillan Islands

After our rushed turn around we did make it to the south in time for our dive trip!  We stayed on a live-a-board boat for 3 days and did 9 dives in 3 days!!! We had some beautiful weather as well as night time rain storms! Well not only rain storms but lightning storms too! This was actually kinda nice to see for our night dive... 
dad and I suiting up for a dive 
can you spot me in the water?  
The trip was on the Andaman  Sea around the Simillan Islands.  We were on the boat for pretty much the entire trip but we did stop off on Ko Simillan.  The area is a national park so they are very strict about where you are allowed to go!
pretty rocks behind us!
on Koh Simillan...

The trip was amazing! We saw tons of bright coloured fish, sting rays, eels, reef sharks and even a barracuda!  I did get sick on the second day... we think from all the diving, but i pushed through! Even through the fever and no appetite I still dove and had a wonderfully relaxing time! 
These are a few of the beds where we slept!
Our boat! We slept under the blue/white striped part. 

The group of us! (except for mum who was taking the picture). 
Dad back at the pier with the long tail boats in the background. 
We spent our last night on the mainland before flying back to Bangkok... we were happy to have some fresh water to swim in after 3 days of salt water!
Dad and I at breakfast at our hotel. 
walk along the beach... it was interesting to see the areas hit by the tsunami 7 years ago  

finally non-sea-water to swim in!

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