Thursday, April 28, 2011

Club Crawl!

Yes I just posted about my birthday but surprisingly enough I did not actually go out for my 21st.... but a few nights before I did go on a club crawl to some of the nicest clubs in Bangkok!

We started at Nest for a relaxing start, rooftop bar with beds around for seats on the top of a roof... next was Q-Bar... more like a club with a dance floor down stairs and tables upstairs... lastly Bed Supper Club!!!

Here are the pictures! (edited version of course ;)
George, Nico and Marvin at Nest... you can see the skyline in the background :) 
Marvin, me and Nico on one of the beds...  
Group shot! Marvin, George, me and Nico 
Me and 2 of the Dutch girls on our exchange (BBA program) 

Mouse, Marvin and Nico 
Mouse and I 
The club crawl was sponsored by Stoli!

My 21st BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Turned out to be one of the best birthdays I think I have ever had!!!

Didnt start well... the night leading up to the mid-night turning of my birthday I was stuck in my working on 2 problem sets.... I was NOT happy about that... then of course my birthday had to be on a Tuesday which just happens to be our WORST day of the week! We have 6 straight hours of class :S...

After my first 3h class one of my Thai friends, Binz, surprised me with a box of cupcakes!!! and got the whole class to sing Happy Birthday to me!!!! It was so nice and brought my mood up :) 

Amber, Sam and I then went for lunch... I had already scoped out where to go... it was a Tuesday so there was not supposed to be the market but since the next day was a national holiday the market was a day early!!!! I LOVE the market! they have the best fresh spring rolls so I was so excited to have those for lunch!  We ate those at the place I had picked out... Joe's, a dessert cafe :) Amber and I shared a mouth watering chocolate lava cake and a Serendipity frozen hot chocolate!!!!

Then we had class again :(

finished class, quick gym session (we had prepare our stomachs for dinner!)
My roommates and I at The Cedar
Then DINNER!!! 15 of us went for dinner at a Lebanese restaurant called "The Cedar"!  We were the only ones in the restaurant and they treated us like kings! They must have had close to 10 servers just for us! and the owner made sure we had the best experience possible! He even surprised me with a free dessert for everyone!!! Baklava! One of my favs!!!
Nico, Me, Eye and Bao
Eye and me  
Mo and Toshi
Next we went to a dessert restaurant down the road, a surprise place compliments of my roommates!  It is called Summer... the restaurant is Spring and the bar is called Winter!  It is set in a modern style house with a beautiful lawn with cushions sitting around low chairs!  We all lay on the cushions and had amazingly delicious desserts!!!
Isabelle and I at Summer on the cushions  
Rachel and me! 
Eye and Bao star gazing!
It was already such a good birthday but there was one last surprise waiting for me... Amber (who had already done so much to make my day) surprised me once again with an icecream cake from Sweesens!!! I was stuffed but of course I let myself indulge!!

That night I could not fall asleep from the sugar high! and we were up bright and early the next day to head off to the east!

Now to do some math:
Cupcakes = dessert#1
Lava cake+ Frozen hot chocolate = dessert#2
Baklava = dessert#3
Summer dessert = dessert#4
Icecream cake = dessert#5

5 desserts for my 21st! Anyone who knows me at all will know how I feel about this ;)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


This is an official appology for not posting anything in the past couple weeks
My computer is broken and unfortunatly since I'm in Thailand, being the inefficient country it is, my computer is still not ready after 2 weeks of being in the shop

hopefully it will be fixed soon so posts will be coming soon after!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wat Arun

Wat Arun in the background... Antoine, Amber and Marie in front :)
Back in Bangkok! After a failed attempt to stay up to sunrise and go see Wat Arun at sunrise we decided an afternoon trek over would do.
Antoine and Marie on the boat 
Wat Arun close up
After what appeared to be a round about route via taxi, which we ended up giving up on to walk after speing close to 80baht (usual taxis for us are 60baht) we finally found the ferry only to get dropped off at the wrong side of the river so had to take a second ferry!  Well after this long trek we finally made it to Wat Arun!

We climbed ALL the way up to the top and WOW those steps are steep!
Marie, Isabelle and Antoine on the steps. 

Anjali and I half way up
After Wat Arun on our walk back we found the flower market! and that was the end of our day... quick post :)
Amber smelling the flowers

Dive Trip - Simillan Islands

After our rushed turn around we did make it to the south in time for our dive trip!  We stayed on a live-a-board boat for 3 days and did 9 dives in 3 days!!! We had some beautiful weather as well as night time rain storms! Well not only rain storms but lightning storms too! This was actually kinda nice to see for our night dive... 
dad and I suiting up for a dive 
can you spot me in the water?  
The trip was on the Andaman  Sea around the Simillan Islands.  We were on the boat for pretty much the entire trip but we did stop off on Ko Simillan.  The area is a national park so they are very strict about where you are allowed to go!
pretty rocks behind us!
on Koh Simillan...

The trip was amazing! We saw tons of bright coloured fish, sting rays, eels, reef sharks and even a barracuda!  I did get sick on the second day... we think from all the diving, but i pushed through! Even through the fever and no appetite I still dove and had a wonderfully relaxing time! 
These are a few of the beds where we slept!
Our boat! We slept under the blue/white striped part. 

The group of us! (except for mum who was taking the picture). 
Dad back at the pier with the long tail boats in the background. 
We spent our last night on the mainland before flying back to Bangkok... we were happy to have some fresh water to swim in after 3 days of salt water!
Dad and I at breakfast at our hotel. 
walk along the beach... it was interesting to see the areas hit by the tsunami 7 years ago  

finally non-sea-water to swim in!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fastest turn around EVER

So after an amazing holiday we were supposed to fly out of Bhutan to Bangkok, spend one night in Bangkok before leaving for the south.... well we arrived in the Paro airport bright and early... waited for 6 hours only to find out our flight was cancelled due to high winds!  This would have been ok except we were supposed to catch a flight at 10am the next morning for Phuket!
us at our new hotel!
They put us up in one of the nicest hotels in Paro! this was a definite bonus! and we told we would fly out the next morning... not in time for our flight but still in time to catch a flight to the south! but would we have time to head back to Evergreen (the hotel I live in) to grab all our beach weather clothes???!!!
little lakes around the hotel 
We went for a walk to a little town just down the road from our hotel! It was really cute, we were the only westerners there!
Painting the very intricate designs on the houses. 
little market we found in the town  
Prayer wheel! 
a real old-fasioned scale! I was so amazed! 
Well we arrived in the BKK airport and while my dad was organising the flights my mum and I SPRINTED back to Evergreen! We made a 15min turn around at the apartment! Dont think I've ever packed so quickly before in my life! and I've had some pretty quick packing jobs!
Yay! Finally our flight is ready to take off!
we had a stop over in India! So I got to have a glimce of india!!!
I also snuck off the plane to take a step on Indian land!
We SPRINTED back to the airport to make in just in time for our flight! Literally walked right up to the gate as it started to board!

We were very very lucky! but we made it to the south!